About Us
Developing a biopharmaceutical drug from a promising pre-clinical candidate to a finished, approved product requires extensive bioanalytical testing and a deep understanding of the regulatory landscape at every checkpoint.
In today’s competitive, rapidly-advancing world of biopharmaceutical drug development, more and more companies are choosing to outsource aspects of this work to organizations like Asthetic Pharma. With our guidance, we can help eliminate negative surprises while helping you prepare the best possible product and regulatory application.

Planning is essential throughout the drug development process to ensure you’re ready for each new stage of development, drug design, and finally, manufacturing. Avomeen is a trusted research partner throughout this journey, maximizing efficiency, timelines, and results.
We use only Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) of superior quality (USP/BP) that withstands stringent processes to ensure products meet the highest quality standards in the industry.
At Asthetic Pharma, we place a premium on offering absolute effective and safe steroids which gives our customers peace of mind and complete satisfaction.
We have a comprehensive variety of products to offer, and with constant research and examination, we keep adding new products to the existing range.
Asthetic Pharma is one of the leading companies in the production of high-end performance enhancing drugs to build better physiques.